Daniel Guo

CS Master's student at Columbia University on the ML track. Broadly interested in computer science and mathematics.


Master's in Computer Science at Columbia University

Machine Learning track
Started Sep. 2022.


Undergraduate Researcher at Atzberger Research Group

Data-efficient methods for inverse problems
Started Oct. 2018.

Sep. 2022

SWE Intern at Meta

Facebook Stories Contextual Replies team
Started June 2022.

June 2022

SWE Intern at Tesla

System Validation team
Started Jan. 2022.

Jan. 2022

Director at SB Hacks

Organized UCSB's annual hackathon in 2021 and 2022
Started Mar. 2020.

Dec. 2021

Bachelor's in Computer Science and Mathematics at UC Santa Barbara

College of Creative Studies
Started Sep. 2018.

Sep. 2021

SWE Intern at Visa

Visa Secure Downstream team
Started June 2021.

Sep. 2020

R&D Intern at Semiotic AI

Privacy in ML models using fully homomorphic encryption
Started June 2020.


Newborn at California Hospital
